VOB/B & construction contract law (BGB 2018)T
Basics and application practice
Date B
Basics and application practice
Current topics: Disruption of business fundamentals and new case law
Module 1 (Day 1): Basic knowledge of VOB/B and construction contract law BGB 2018
- Legal classification of construction contracts (BGB, VOB/B)
- Right of the client to issue instructions, performance and notification obligations of the contractor
- Overview of regulations on service changes and impediments
Module 2 (Day 2): Service changes and supplementary work
- Changed / additional services: Additional cost claims and requirements, hourly wage work
- Remuneration and pricing: original costing, supplementary costing
- Systematic supplementary audit
- Early detection of “creeping” changes and impending failure to meet targets
Module 3 (Day 3): Order processing and special topics
- Order preparation, suitable instead of “watertight” contracts
- Mastering uncertainties, changes and gaps in the service description
- Acceptance and warranty rights
- Measurement, invoicing and payment – Invoice verification (reductions, retentions)
- Transfer of risk, damage before acceptance
- Guide to effective correspondence
Module 4 (Day 4): Construction time and obstructions
- Execution deadlines and contractual penalties
- Contract schedule and target construction schedule
- Obstructions: Claims of the parties, content of obstruction notices
- Disrupted construction process, extension of construction time and acceleration
- Ukraine war and the consequences
- Price adjustments, disruption of the business basis
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr.
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