New ALDI Süd Store with Student Accommodation
Construction of a highly frequented ALDI Süd store with integrated student accommodation
Project type
ALDI SÜD Projektentwicklungs-GmbH & Co. KG
Landau in the Palatinate
A new ALDI SÜD store is being built in the university town of Landau in der Pfalz. On top of this, a new hall of residence is being built by the Studierendenwerk Vorderpfalz. 176 individual apartments and ten shared flats for students will ease the housing situation and create space for new opportunities. In addition, the special ALDI SÜD store not only meets the requirements for urban densification, but also fulfills the intention of not sealing any additional areas.
THOST’s project management is divided into three phases: Project preparation and planning, award procedure for the general contractor and realization including project management and quality assurance by means of general contractor controlling. The services include areas of activity A to D in accordance with AHO No. 9 as well as the ALDI SÜD service profile for general contractor controlling.
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