Plant conversion and expansion for e-vans


Home 5 Project 5 Plant conversion and expansion for e-vans


Conversion and expansion of the existing plant as a step towards the energy-efficient production of new-generation vans

Project type

Conversion and Construction


Car manufacturer



A well-known commercial vehicle manufacturer is building the first production facility for fully electric vehicles based on VAN.EA (Van Electric Architecture) in Poland. The project comprises both the conversion of existing structures (brownfield) and the expansion of the plant (greenfield). The project will create sustainable jobs and make an important contribution to the energy-efficient production of the next generation of vans.

Our tasks include project management in accordance with architectural performance levels 1 to 5, including project planning, coordination of project activities, communication with all stakeholders and schedule and cost control. In addition, THOST maintains and optimizes processes and tools, creates a project organization handbook and develops a tailor-made logistics concept for the construction period that takes into account the challenges of parallel production. A detailed construction site logistics manual, which defines all aspects of delivery traffic as well as the requirements for organization, access controls and internal construction site rules, is also part of the contract.

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