Crisis Management

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Crisis management for construction projects

Many projects in the construction industry develop into non-performing projects over the course of their term because one or more of the project objectives “costs”, “deadlines” or “quality” have not been achieved or are no longer achievable.
The causes are manifold:

  • Unrealistic goals
  • Target changes in the course of the project
  • Failures by those involved in the project
  • Loss of funding
  • Economic factors
  • Ecological and social influences

Several factors often come together. A project objective has often already been missed before the project managers recognize the need for crisis management and implement it. If it is possible to implement countermeasures during the ongoing project, project target failures can be minimized and damage limited. Based on the Six Sigma system, we take on crisis management as well as consulting and coordination services during project stops in order to bring projects that have run into difficulties to a scheduled conclusion.

Our expertise: Crisis management

Analysis and strategy clarification

  • Description of the problem
  • Determination and analysis of possible optimization potentials
  • Contract analysis
  • Identification of conflicts in communication
  • Schedule and delay analysis
  • Existing process and project structure analysis
  • Summary evaluation, recommended action and strategy


  • Participation in contract consolidation
  • Participation in the consolidation of project structure and project processes
  • Conflict management
  • Construction Management
  • Risk Management
  • Reporting


Our expertise: Project stop

Phase 1: Preparation of the project stop

Basic determination, clarification of the framework conditions, strategy coordination, planning of tasks as well as process and rough schedule planning until the project is stopped

Phase 2: Realization of the project stop

Strategy coordination with the planning team and processing of the tasks developed under stage 1 until the project is stopped

Phase 3: Project stop

Regular communication with the client

Phase 4: Preparation for the resumption of project work

Clarification of the project goals, if necessary with adjustment of the goal definition, strategy, process and rough schedule planning, clarification of the framework conditions and creation of the basis for the resumption of the project work of the project team (planning and trades), determination of the need for new project partners

Phase 5: Realization of the resumption of project work

Contract consolidation, completion of the project team and start of project work

Contact us

From chaos to predictability: Our expert crisis management team supports you in getting projects back on track and minimizing economic damage.

Dr. Thomas Bahnert
Dr.-Ing. Architect
Head of Center of Competence Contract Management
Senior expert for fee-based contracts
Fee expert